ACYPI Perth, in conjunction with the Australia-China Business Council (ACBC) WA branch and KPMG Perth office, are pleased to invite you to come along and meet likeminded young professionals at our first networking forum, featuring Mr Duncan Calder, President of ACBC WA and Partner-in charge of KPMG’s China Business Practice, for a keynote speech and interactive dialogue on Monday 27 May.
Duncan will take us through an interesting journey briefly reviewing the history of China’s economic development, place in the global economy, and relationship with Australia and the United States. Duncan will also highlight future challenges and new directions facing China under the new once-in-a-decade leadership change. Furthermore, Duncan will share insights on the outlook for Chinese investment into Australia, particularly in WA, and some useful cultural takeaways on doing business with China today.
There will be time at the end of the talk to network over light refreshments.
Entry is completely free but as places are limited, you must RSVP to attend. Please note that this event is restricted to persons who are 18+.
Date: Monday 27th May
Time: 6pm for a 6.30pm start
Venue: Level 8, 235 St George’s Terrace (KPMG Boardroom 1)
About the Speaker:
Duncan Calder is the President of the Australia China Business Council in Western Australia and its Senior National Vice President. He is also the Partner in charge of KPMG's China Business Practice and the Mining M&A and Forensic Services teams in WA. Duncan also founded KPMG's national China Business Practice in Australia some ten years ago working very closely with The Hon Richard Court AC, former Premier of Western Australia and advisor to KPMG.
Duncan and his team have worked for many Chinese companies including Baosteel, Ansteel, Sinosteel, CNOOC, MCC and CITIC Pacific Mining. His flagship deals include advising Sinosteel on its successful extension of the Channar Joint venture with Rio Tinto and being jointly appointed by both Baosteel and FMG to assist in the successful merger of their magnetite iron ore interests in Australia.
About ACYPI:
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The Australia-‐China Young Professionals Initiative (ACYPI) is the premier platform for young professionals to engage with the Australia-‐China relationship.
Through events in Australia and China, we connect young professionals to significant commercial, political and academic leaders, and provide networking opportunities across sectors. Our events are focused on helping young professionals develop a deeper understanding of the issues facing business in Australia and China.
Since 2010, over 1200 young professionals have attended ACYPI events to hear speakers such as: Elmer Funke Kupper (CEO, ASX), John Lord AM (Chairman, Huawei Australia), Graham Hodges (Deputy CEO, ANZ), Frances Adamson (Australian Ambassador to China), Heather Ridout (RBA Board Member), Ken Henry AC (Chair of the committee that produced the "Australia in the Asian Century" white paper and former Secretary of Treasury), Kevin Hobgood-‐Brown (MD, Riverstone Advisory), and Professor On Kit Tam (Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor International, College of Business, RMIT).
More information on our regular events in Beijing, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth, Shanghai and Sydney is available at